Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

Pelanggaran Etika di Lingkungan Sekitar

Habibah Pratiwi / 23211127/ 4EB23

Pelanggaran Etika Di lingkungan Sekitar~

1.   Pelanggaran etika yang terjadi tanggal 1 oktober 2014 adalah ketika saat saya sedang menunggu adik saya pulang sekolah. Saya melihat seorang ibu yang sedang menunggu anaknya pulang sekolah juga, ia sengaja membuang sampah sembarangan disekitar halaman sekolah. Dan bukan satu orang ibu saja yang membuang sampah sembarangan seperti itu bahkan banyak yang melakukan hal sama seperti itu. Seharusnya mereka sadar dampak yang akan terjadi kalau hal ini terus dilakukan.

2.   Pelanggaran etika yang terjadi tanggal 2 oktober 2014 adalah pada siang hari saat saya sedang isi bensin di pom bensin. Disaat semua orang mengantri untuk mengisi bensin, saya melihat seorang anak SMA dengan tergesa-gesa menyelak antrian yang ada didepannya itu, anak SMA itu sempat diomelin dengan seorang ibu yang merasa diselak antriannya dan karena anak SMA itu merasa malu diomelin didepan umum, ia akhirnya meminta maaf dan  memberikan alasan kalau tadi dia sedang terburu-buru masuk sekolah yang sudah telat itu. Seharusnya anak SMA itu harus bisa belajar displin untuk mengantri dan displin terhadap waktu.

3.  Pelanggaran etika yang terjadi tanggal 3 oktober 2014 adalah waktu saya sedang dikampus untuk janjian sama temen saya. Beberapa jam kemudian saya pergi ke toilet untuk buang air kecil. Ketika saya akan buang air kecil, keluarlah seorang mahasiswa dari dalam kamar mandi dengan rokok di tangannya. Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah pelanggaran etika karena tidak seharusnya seorang mahasiswa merokok didalam gedung kampus, meskipun itu toilet.

4.   Pelanggaran etika yang terjadi tanggal 4 oktober 2014 adalah seperti biasa saya akan berangkat ke kampus karena mendapat jadwal kuliah. Di perjalanan menuju kampus, lampu merah merupakan hal biasa yang dihadapi seorang pengendara kendaraan bermotor. Ketika lampu lalu lintas menunjukkan warna merah, seorang pengendara sepeda motor menerobos lampu merah. Entah karena seorang pengendara tersebut sedang terburu-buru ataupun ia males menunggu lamanya lampu merah. Tentu saja hal ini sangatlah berbahaya untuk pengendara itu sendiri dan pengendara lainnya.

5.  Pelanggaran etika yang terjadi tanggal 5 oktober 2014 adalah ada seorang pengemis yang memaksa untuk meminta sumbangan. Di jaman sekarang ini, sebenernya hal itu sering terjadi apalagi didaerah rumah saya. Seharusnya mereka yang memintakan sumbangan tidak melakukan pemaksaan karena sumbangan bersifat sukarela.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014



Personal Details

Full Name                        : Habibah Pratiwi
Sex                                  : Female
Place, Date of Birth          : Sumedang, 24 Januari 1993
Nationality                        : Indonesia
Marital Status                   : Single
Height, Weight                 :155 cm, 50cm
Health                              : Perfect
Religion                            : Moeslem
Address                            : Jl. Sarikaya E4 No.8 Jatiasih-Bekasi
MobilePhone                    : 085779871956
E-mail                               :
Educational Background

2000 - 2005   :  Elementary School Jatiasih 1, Bekasi
2005 - 2008  :  Junior High School  30, Bekasi
2008 – 2011  : Senior High School  11, Bekasi
2012 - 2015  :  Accounting at University of Gunadarma, Kalimalang

Course & Education

2008-2009 :  English Language Course and Mathematics at Primagama, Bekasi


- Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation).
-  Computer Skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, Web Design, Programming, Internet Marketing, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop ).

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.

Hi, thanks for giving me opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Habibah Pratiwi from Bekasi Barat. I'm 21 years old. My educational background Elementary School Jatiasih 1, Bekasi (2000 – 2005), Junior High School  30, Bekasi  (2005 – 2008), Senior High School  11, Bekasi  (2008 – 2011), Accounting at the University of Gunadarma, Kalimalang (2012 – 2015). Currently I'm staying at Bekasi with my family. Coming to family background, my father is civil servants & my mother is housewife.
My goal now is to learn and pursue my one area of ​​accounting in earnest at university undergraduate degree Gunadarma to achieve my dreams and one company and get a job that matches my areas to apply my skills to be an accountant because I want to make my parents proud someday
I have good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible. And I believe that with my positive attitude I can give a full commitment to my job. That’s all about me. Thank you for listening.

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014


NO 78 JL.Kalibata . great
1420 Bekasi , West Java

Ref : CS / F2 / 14C

25 APRIL 2014
Distro Cloud Corporation
Pasundan Kingdom Street , No. 15
Jakarta 1240
Dear Sirs ,

We are a boutique located in Bekasi , and we are interested in your demgn . shirt medium size distributions of cloud products . Therefore , we would greatly appreciate if you could send a very detailed explanation about the complete product catalogs , price lists , terms , sample design , and payment . We will also know if you offer any trade discounts . If you can quote you our favorable price , we want to place our order as soon as possible .
Since our boutique recently established then we will ask you about a boutique that has experienced :
1 . Promotion what is in accordance with our boutique ?
2 . When is the right time ?
3 . Whatever the medium that allows for the sale ?
4 . Equipment needed promotion ?
5 . Total costs incurred for the promotion ?

Hopefully you want to reply to and answer questions from me . Thank you .

Yours sincerely ,

Habibah Pratiwi
General Manager .


                                                          DISTRO CLOUD CORPORATION

                                                   PASUNDAN KINGDOM STREET, NO. 15
                                                                        JAKARTA 1240
Ref : CS / F2 / 14C

30 April 2014

NO 78 JL.Kalibata . great
1420 Bekasi , West Java

Dear Mrs Habibah Pratiwi
We thank you for your letter of 25 April 2014 question . As requested we will answer the questions you asked .
1 . Promotion for Boutique you use promotional products distributing leaflets and putting you in  a boutique social media so that you are more quickly recognized .
2 .
The right time for promotion is every day more especially in multiply holiday promotion .
3 .
Media that allows for promotion to hand out flyers and social media , even better if you log in television products .
4 .
Equipment needed promotion ie flyers , putting social media such as roads , twitter , instagram
5.  The total cost incurred for the promotion :
Brochure printing pay Rp . 5,000,000
Buying pulse to incorporate social media into Rp . 100.000/month .
The total cost of the promotion : Rp . 5,100,000

After reading your letter and find out information about your Boutiques , I would like to work together to promote your boutique , and of course I also gain your boutiques .

Your sincerely ,

Riyan Ali Indra ,
General Manager .

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014



Islamic economic sense
(1) Islamic economics is the study of human economic behavior is behavior governed by rules based on the religion of Islam and monotheism , as summarized in the pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam. (2) Islam is a system Economi  World Economic Solutions . Yes, (3) that's right for us to say to the Islamic economy , due to the development of Islamic economics has how the economy should be managed by the community and the government, (4) in various parts of the world that have been proven and implemented economic sitem Islamic religion based on the teachings of Islam , Al - Quran and As - sunnah . (5) And the Islamic economic system has been demonstrated by several countries in the world such as Europe that Britons in the 2000s current progress for implementing Islamic economics , and so also in many countries (6) of this part of the world that has experienced very  rapid progress in the economy . And this is a growing alternative downs capitalist reputation in European countries . And the question now is whether (7) we are still using conventional economics really can not solve the economic problems until now? (8) When linked with the Islamic economic system world can still be saved from the crisis that hit the world this time , because Islam is the only religion that  that regulate all aspects of human life and the universe, therefore (9) we should be just Islamic economics because Islamic economic teachings of the principles of the religion of Islam , Al - Quran and as- sunnah .

The basic principles of Islamic economics
A. Private property and its limits
(10) In this case Islam does not divide the property ownership to the production and consumption or produce or not produce . But differentiated the criteria are lawful or unlawful , and issued to track halal and haram .
B . distributive justic
(11)  Build a system that is equitable distribution of the same distribution of wealth .
C. Social rights
Social rights to the wealth of individuals in a variety of forms . One of them , namely , providing  (12) assistance to relatives who can not make ends meet . The goal eliminates selfish and miserly
D . alms
Compulsory levies prescribed by Islam is zakat . Ie levies drawn through the accumulated treasure trade , all kinds of business , agriculture , production , and livestock . (13) The goal is to create a fund to help the economy to a class Mustahiq .
E . inheritance law
Inheritance law is essentially to distribute the assets owned by the deceased . The first row and the heir is the mother , father , wife and children . Further brother men and women . The third kin to the deceased . Then the estate of the deceased is distributed Islamic inheritance law . The role of labor , capital and management of In case of injustice in the transaction , (14) the law should not only intervene , but lead to regulatory fairness profit distribution between capital , labor , and management .
G. Zakat and social welfare
 Shodakoh is zakat purposes and to cater for the social welfare .
H . Riba -free economy
Because  (15) usury was forbidden to all operations in the economic system .
I . The relationship between economic , political , and social rules
 (16) This relationship can not be separated because  it is a system that arises from faith referred to God and His messenger . From the above presentation that Islam is (17) the solution of economic problems of the world economy that has been demonstrated  by the countries of Europe (18) which has long used the capitalist system and until now , (19) has started implementing Islamic finance  (20) has also been officially recognized by the World Bank and make it as a priority area in the financial sector program . The preferred implementation by governments of European countries to address social problems in the country .

Tenses-tensesnyaa  :)

1.    Simple Present
He/She/It + to be (is)

2.    Simpe Present
He/She/It + to be (is)

3.    Simple Present
I/You/We/They + V1

4.    Present Perfect Tense
I/We/You/They + Have + Been

5.    Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + Has + been

6.    Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + has + V III

7.    Present Continous Tense
I/You/We/They + to be (am/are) + V1 (ing)

8.    Simple Past Tense
I/You/We/They/He/She/It + V II

9.    Past Future Tense
I/We + should + be

10.   Simple Present Tense
He/She/It + V1 (s/es)

11.  Simple Present Tense
He/She/It + to be (is)

12.   Simple Present Tense
I/You/We/They + V1
13.  Simple Present Tense
He/She/It + to be (is)

14.   Past Future Tense
I/We + should + V1

15.   Past Perfect
I/You/They/We/He/She/It + had + V III

16.   Simple Present Tense
I/You/We/They + V1

17.   Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + has + been

18.   Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + has + V III

19.   Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + has + V III

20.   Present Perfect Tense
He/She/It + has + been